The most popular on Instagram, quick search the best

At the moment Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networks in the world. Instagram is used both for communication and promotion of services and goods. And here, qualitative and interesting content is the most appreciated (here it’s visual). So, how one can find the most popular on Instagram and best publications in few clicks? Further about this.

In this article, you will learn:

  • How to find what is popular on Instagram;
  • How to analyze and compare multiple Instagram accounts;
  • New. You will see the most popular photo on Instagram and you will be able to analyze this mega account by yourself!

The search of popular on Instagram

The tool can analyze groups and find popular (viral) records on the Fb, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Vk (and others). Gradually the support for popular social networks was added. And today the ability to analyze accounts and find the most popular publication on Instagram has appeared. And that’s not all the possibilities.

Main features:

  • Sorting the records by “likes”, comments, date;
  • selection the type of record content — photos, videos, text. And then apply the sorting;
  • selection of a random (necessary) period for which you want to download the publication;
  • the ability to debug, and sort your favorite records and to add in auto posting (now Time2Post);
  • accurate account statistics (the subscribers number (without rounding), calculation of ER and ER post, “likes and comments” of downloaded posts).

In other words, you can find the popular “viral posts”, the most discussed publications and to explore accounts of other people and your own ones.

For that you have to go to application and select there in the top “Instagram”, login, and print the address or the name of required account. Then click the “Download” button or choose the period. Then you will see that everything is simple and intuitive.

Popsters analytics tool main interface
Popsters analytics tool main interface

Probably you will notice that the average value of ER day and ER post (level of involvement) on Instagram is significantly higher than in Facebook and Twitter. That is very useful in promoting with Instagram of goods or services.

Quick search for the best on Instagram

With these opportunities, you can very quickly find the best in any Instagram accounts. Sorting records on request, you can go and see the original. Make a click on “to record” and view the comments. While clicking “Favorites” on the post you like, set and re-sort by tags.

The following video doesn’t show this, but you can also analyze Instagram accounts in the “charts” tab graphically (to see more look the link at the bottom of the article – Instagram statistics). Everything is making similarly with other social networks.

The video will be clearer:

Best Instagram posts, quick search of the most popular on Instagram

The way you will use this tool is your own deal. But it is worth remembering that the visual content on Instagram is the foundation of the relationship building with your subscribers. The directly received traffic and loyalty will depend on its quality and quantity. In contrast to other social networks – Instagram is the platform of consumption primarily of images, the text here is not the primary constituent.

One of the graphs compare Instagram accounts
One of the graphs compare Instagram accounts

Using of very popular “viral” publications, you can significantly increase the activity of your accounts. Analyzing the popular photos and videos on Instagram, you can understand the trends better. Also devoting enough time and efforts for building your own content strategy you will significantly more effective while engaging subscribers. And in general, being able to find the most popular on Instagram, you can analyze what works the best with your competitors. There is a huge variety of method of application.

This article may be helpful:

How to find the most liked Instagram posts in any profiles.

And as I wrote at the beginning:

The most popular photo on Instagram

At the moment model and actress Kendall Jenner has the most popular photo on Instagram. It has gained more than 3637237 “likes” and more 169299 comments!

The most popular foto on Instagram
Here is her account You can copy the address and analyze it by yourself. I recommend to look into the “Graphics” and “Text summarization” — there you will see lots of interesting.

The has a trial period – 7 days. Next you have to pay, but in comparison with competitors and their functionality it’s not much at all. Of course it will pay off while competent use. Anyway it is better to try 😉

Update: the possibility of comparing the activity of multiple accounts is implemented (“charts” tab). You can analyze and compare the activity by hour, day of the week, “likes”, comments visually. As an option, it is quite clearly and conveniently to monitor the dynamics, and to determine the best account for posting the ads

P.S Your suggestions and requests for tool please write in comments. I will try to answer all the questions.

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3 Thoughts on The most popular on Instagram, quick search the best
  1. Vincent

    I enjoyed looking through and now I have a number of new ideas for my projects. Thanks a lot for sharing!

    1. Ilya Protasov

      Glad you enjoyed the post and hope it helps!

  2. Antonio

    Thank you for your post

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